Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern the sale of Services on the SMM-MainPanel.com platform. The Provider reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions of Sale and the Privacy Policy, and these changes will be made known to Users through the Site with a specific notice. This communication may, at the discretion of the Provider, also be made by sending a specific email. The online sale of Services on the Site is regulated by the rules of the Consumer Code D.lgs. n.206/2005 and the Electronic Commerce Code D.lgs. n.70/2003.

Art. 1 Definitions

For this contract, the following terms are defined as:

  • Service Provider: smm-mainpanel.com, email: [email protected]
  • General Terms and Conditions: the set of these contractual clauses that determine and define the relationships between the Provider and the Customer
  • Website: smm-mainpanel.com
  • Services: sale of Social Network Interaction Services
  • Purchase: the onerous purchase of the above Service from the day of the conclusion of the purchase
  • Order: the purchase proposal made by the User through the procedures of the Site and in particular through the CArt.
  • Cart: the phase of the purchase procedure in which the User formulates their purchase proposal, selecting the upload of sums in the wallet on the website which will then be used to pay for the services
  • Customer: any subject that purchases the Service sold through the Site
  • Consumer: the individual who acts for purposes unrelated to professional or entrepreneurial activity
  • Professional: the one who acts for professional or entrepreneurial purposes
  • User: any subject who has access to the website

Art. 2 Object of the contract

These Terms and Conditions concern the sale, including by subscription, of Services related to interaction on the user's social channels or the subject indicated by them, such as but not limited to Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, Spotify, Twitter, and/or Telegram, as better indicated on the site for each social network. These Terms and Conditions are valid between the Provider and any User who makes a purchase on the Site and establishes the conditions of use of the website itself. Any tolerance of the Provider to behaviors that violate what is provided for by these conditions does not constitute a waiver of the rights that belong to that party based on those as mentioned above. If one of the conditions is found to be null or ineffective, the possible nullity or inefficacy will not extend to the remaining contractual clauses.

The services provided by the Provider are designed exclusively to enhance the appearance of social media accounts on platforms such as Spotify, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or any other social network. Our offerings include the provision of streams, followers, listeners, likes, views, and other forms of engagement as specified in the service packages.

It should be explicitly noted that the accounts used to generate this type of engagement are bots or artificially created accounts. The Provider does not guarantee any form of genuine interaction, engagement, or activity from the new followers or listeners acquired through our services. The primary objective of our service is solely to increase the numerical count of followers, listeners, streams, likes, etc., on your specified social media accounts, thereby enhancing the apparent popularity of your account. These services do not involve real people interacting with your content.

Art. 3 Duration of service

The service can be purchased individually, by subscription, or repeated over time and therefore the duration can be equal to the time necessary for the performance of the service or duration. After purchasing by subscription or in a repeated mode, the relationship is tacitly renewed every month unless the automatic renewal is canceled and the consequent cancellation is made through a Ticket on the platform at any time. The cancellation will become effective at the end of the current billing period.

Art. 4 Prices

The price of the Services is posted on the Website in United States dollar ($). The Provider reserves the right to change the price, at any time, without notice, provided that the price charged to the User will be the one indicated on the site at the time of placing the order and that no account will be taken of any changes (upwards or downwards) subsequent to the transmission of the same.

Art. 5 Purchase Procedure

The User may purchase all the Services for sale on the Site, as described, by following the purchase procedures provided on the Site itself. To purchase the Services, the User must complete the Order form in electronic format, following all the instructions contained in the appropriate page of the Site. The Order form contains a brief summary of the main conditions.

The User must, after having viewed the Terms and Conditions with particular reference to the methods of exercising the right of withdrawal and proceed to send the Order form. By sending the Order form, the Customer acknowledges and declares to fully and unconditionally accept the Terms and Conditions, as well as to consent to the processing of their personal data.

The applicable Terms and Conditions are those in force at the time of the Order and available on this page of the Site. The Contract entered into between the Provider and the Customer must be considered concluded with the confirmation of the purchase by the Provider.

The acceptance of the Order will be communicated by the Provider to the Customer by an email, sent to the email address communicated during the placing of the Order. The Provider reserves the right to evaluate the acceptance of the orders received and may refuse or otherwise not proceed with purchase orders that are incomplete or incorrect. The Provider will communicate to the Customer the possible impossibility of accepting the orders received in the shortest possible time after the moment in which the Customer has transmitted the Order and will provide for the reimbursement of the sums already paid by the Customer for the payment of the Services.

Every right of the Customer to compensation for damages or compensation is excluded, as well as any contractual or extra-contractual liability for direct or indirect damage to people and/or things, caused by the non-acceptance, even partial, of an Order by the Provider. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the loading of Followers or Likes will take place in a staggered manner also based on the number purchased with express exemption from liability on the part of the Provider.

Art. 6 Payments Methods

After the Order has been made, the Customer undertakes to pay the requested price, according to the methods provided on the Site such as, but not limited to: crypto currencies, bank transfer or external payment instruments to the website.

The website provides for the uploading of sums of money on a special digital wallet that can be used to pay for services on the website. The Customer acknowledges that the sums loaded on the wallet cannot be subject to return and must be used for the purchase of services on the website within a maximum of 12 months from loading into the wallet. In the event of a refund of the payment for a service on the website, the sums paid will be reloaded onto the wallet and can be used as indicated above.

Payment for services can occur: in a single upfront solution with withdrawal of sums from the wallet; monthly in case of subscription. In this case, the Customer undertakes to pay the monthly subscription fee for the service authorizing the Provider to charge the same. If a debit does not go through and if the Customer has not canceled his subscription, the Provider may suspend the execution of the service until a valid Payment Method has been activated.

Art. 7 Rights to material

All material possibly prepared by the Provider will remain the property of the same. The Provider grants the Customer the ability to view the material for the sole purpose of personal use, without the possibility of downloading, copying, disseminating, reusing, selling it as well as any other action not expressly provided and specifically agreed with the Provider. Following the purchase of the Service, the Customer does not acquire any rights to the content prepared by the Provider. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Any behavior contrary to these Terms and Conditions by the Customer entitles the Provider to immediately exclude them from the platform and to act in the appropriate places and forms.

Art. 8 Intellectual and industrial property

All content of the Site is protected and safeguarded by current copyright and industrial and intellectual property laws. By way of example and not limited to, Site content is to be understood as: the domain name, the trademarks, all texts, any graphic and/or text representation in general, photographs, films.

All the related intellectual and industrial property rights are the exclusive property of the Provider, are reserved to it and are neither transferred nor licensed to the Customer and/ User in any case. Therefore, the User or the Customer may not reproduce, duplicate, copy and redistribute, retransmit even on other websites, transfer or otherwise make available to third parties under any title or otherwise use for purposes other than storage and/or consultation the Sites and/or the Site Contents, without the prior express and formal approval of the Provider.

All material prepared by the Provider will remain the exclusive property of the same. The above indications also apply to material published within the members' area.

Art. 9 Withdrawal

The Consumer Customer acknowledges and expressly accepts that the purchase envisages the immediate execution of the Service and therefore cannot exercise the right of withdrawal pursuant to Art. 59 of Legislative Decree No. 206 of 2005. For any information, the Customer may contact the Provider by opening a Ticket on the website.

The professional customer is not granted the right of withdrawal.

Art. 10 Exclusion of liability

The Provider's liability is understood within the limits of the law and the obligations assumed with these Terms and Conditions;

The Provider is not responsible for the behavior of Users and the information shared by them;

The User guarantees that they will use the website according to the conditions and for the Services established and offered by the Provider, excluding any use that proposes illegal purposes or contrary to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of use and in any case with methods that could damage, make it unusable, overload or deteriorate it or interfere with its use by other Users;

The Provider is not responsible for the increase or lack of business growth on the part of the Customer's business, for failures to achieve the desired results against investments and costs incurred and for any damage resulting from the Services offered;

The Provider is not responsible for failure to achieve the desired results against investments and costs incurred by the Customer because, to obtain an increase of a social network account or page, the implementation of valuable and interesting content is always necessary;

The Customer acknowledges that the activation of each service on the website may require different timings not dependent on the Provider and therefore exempts the latter from any responsibility in this regard;

The Customer acknowledges that, except as provided in terms of withdrawal, only in case of failure to activate the service within the term of 14 days, the Provider is obliged to refund what was paid by the Customer with exoneration of any liability in this regard and upon request for a refund by the Customer via email or by opening a specific ticket on the website;

The Customer acknowledges that the speed of performance of each service on the website may require different timings not dependent on the Provider and therefore exempts the latter from any responsibility in this regard;

The Customer acknowledges that the simultaneous activation and/or in a short period of time of identical services on the website could create technical problems not derived from the Provider and therefore exempts the latter from any responsibility in this regard;

The Customer acknowledges that the website may report definitions of the types of services such as, by way of example and not exhaustively, "Low quality", "Medium Quality", "High Quality" and/or "Real Quality". These definitions are intended solely to indicate a differentiation between the social profiles subject to the service, such as by way of example and not exhaustive, if a profile has a bio, a profile picture and/or published posts, but in no way is the Provider responsible for these social profiles and/or their management;

The Customer acknowledges that on the website they can purchase services such as, by way of example and not exhaustive, Followers, likes, comments and/or views on the social network chosen by the Customer but the goal of such activity is defined by them independently and remains confidential with exemption of any responsibility in this regard towards the Provider;

The Customer acknowledges that orders cannot be modified, cancelled once made with exemption from the Provider of any liability in this regard;

The Customer exempts the Provider from any responsibility about the quality of the Followers or other services purchased on the website as the latter makes use of the collaboration of external partners for the purchase;

The Customer exempts the Provider from any responsibility about the fact that the social platforms object of this contract may implement restrictions against the Customer such as, by way of example and not exhaustive, the deletion of the account or the pages related to it, the deletion and/or obscuring of published content, the cancellation and/or blocking of the business manager and/or the advertising account, the loss of reporting and/or customized audiences and/or shadow ban;

The User acknowledges and accepts that the number of followers, likes purchased or other service purchased on the website cannot remain constant over time because such circumstance depends on many factors that do not depend in any way on the activity carried out by the Provider with express exemption of the latter from any responsibility;

The Provider is not liable to Users or individuals directly or indirectly connected to them for delays, disruptions or suspensions of the platform;

The Customer will indemnify the Provider from any type of civil, criminal, administrative and/or compensatory liability towards third parties for their use of the services on the website;

The Provider will not be held responsible for any violation of others' rights and damages, including indirect, consequential to it, or for other damages of any type, even resulting from lost earnings or descending from breach of contract, negligence or other harmful actions, resulting from or in any way connected to the use or the information contained in the platform.

Art. 11 Failure to exercise a right

The Provider's failure to exercise a right does not represent any waiver to act against the Customer or against third parties for the breach of undertakings. The Provider therefore reserves the right to assert its rights in any case, within the terms granted.

Art. 12 Applicable law and competent court

These Terms and Conditions are entirely governed by Italian law. Any dispute that may arise in relation to the validity, interpretation, execution, and resolution of online contracts entered into by the Consumer Customer with the Provider will be of exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of the judge of the place of residence of the Consumer (i.e., the consumer's court). In the case of a Professional Customer, the territorial jurisdiction is exclusively that of the Court of Italy

Art. 13 Processing of personal data

The Personal Data provided or acquired will be subject to Processing based on principles of correctness, legality, transparency and protection of confidentiality in accordance with current regulations. The Provider, as the Data Controller, processes the Personal Data of Users adopting appropriate security measures aimed at preventing unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data.

The processing is carried out using IT and/or telematic tools, with organizational methods and with logics strictly related to the purposes indicated. The User's Data is collected for the execution of pre-contractual measures; to fulfill the obligations deriving from the contract entered into; for the registration procedure aimed at purchasing the Services; to follow up on specific requests made to the Controller by the User; for sending information and promotional and commercial offers also through the newsletter service based on the consent freely expressed by the User; for soft spam purposes for promotional communications having as their subject the Services purchased without the need for the User's express and prior consent, as provided for by Art. 130, 4th paragraph, Privacy Code as amended by Legislative Decree No. 101 of 2018.

The Customer is therefore invited to carefully read the information on the processing of personal data (Privacy Policy) provided pursuant to EU Regulation 679/2016, as well as on the use of cookies with the related consent to the processing where required (Cookie Policy).

Art. 14 Children’s Privacy

Our services are not directed to individuals under the age of 16. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you confirm that you are at least 16 years old. If we discover that we have collected personal data from a user under 16 without parental consent, we will take steps to delete such information.

Art. 15 Dispute Resolution

According to Article 49, paragraph 1, letter V of Legislative Decree No. 206/2005 (Consumer Code), the Consumer Customer can use the Parity Conciliation procedure (ADR). According to Art. 14 of Regulation 524/2013, in case of dispute, the Consumer Customer may submit a complaint through the ODR platform of the European Union.

For more information, contact the Provider.

Art. 16 Blog Disclaimer

General Information Disclaimer: The information provided on the blog is for informational purposes only. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, is presented without any guarantees of accuracy, completeness, or usefulness. Any reliance the User places on such information is strictly at their own risk.

Accuracy of Information: While the Provider strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the Provider makes no representations or warranties of any kind, explicit or implicit, about the accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the information contained in the blog. The information may contain errors or inaccuracies, and the Provider is not liable for any omissions or any outcomes related to the use of this information.

Third-Party Links and Content: The blog may contain links to other websites or content belonging to or originating from third parties. Such links are provided for the User's convenience only. The Provider does not control, endorse, or assume responsibility for any third-party content or practices. Accessing any third-party websites linked to the blog is at the User's own risk.

Endorsements: Any reference or link to a third party, product, service, or information does not constitute or imply an endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by the Provider. The views and opinions expressed in third-party content do not necessarily reflect the Provider's views or opinions.

Personal Responsibility: The User acknowledges that they are using any information provided on the blog at their own risk. It is the User's responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of any information, advice, opinion, or other content available through the blog.

Limitation of Liability: The Provider will not be liable for any loss or damage, including without limitation indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of the blog. This includes any technical issues or data loss the User may experience.

Changes to Content: The Provider reserves the right to make additions, deletions, or modifications to the content at any time without prior notice. It is the User's responsibility to stay informed about any changes to the blog content.

Impact of Use: The Provider is not responsible for any financial, legal, or personal decisions the User may make based on the information provided on the blog. The User should always seek the advice of a qualified professional before making significant decisions.

Art. 17 Communication

For further information of any kind, you can contact the Provider by e-mail at the following address: [email protected]

Pursuant to Articles 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, the User declares that they have carefully read and expressly accept all the clauses of these Terms and Conditions of sale and in particular those of articles 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12.